Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hello, Hi, Good Morning. I'm going to start with the information, that I really hate writing tasks! Since I remember it was a huge challenge to me, not because I have nothing to say .... it's just THE' WRITING' You know. I have never been good at this way of sharing my thoughts.. like they used to say-> transfer Your thoughts on the paper and You will feel much better....but It is not working, at the end of the day we are talking about me and my skills ;) Anyway, I do honestly admire people who can write... I'm not talking about the BIG writers, but about those who are simply able to create the most beautiful stories ... About their life, friends,travelling or cooking- all of these can be really inspiring ....even those stories which are based only on authors imagination;)
Anyway, the thing is, that now, I Have to WRITE ! Moreover ...I have to write about Something ;), so I decided that I'm going to do posts about The Things around me....people, stuff and some interesting events (if l participate in any :)) .
that's it!! AT least for today...wishing You Good night and plenty of wonderful things around You. 


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